Focus on building their confidence.

Photo Time

Photo Time is a therapy-based program which also provides the opportunity for children to develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

In our photography group we use the power of photography to help develop children’s social skills for meeting new people, learning new skills, helping others, turn taking and emotional regulation.

Your child will learn how to work individually, in pairs and as a team ensuring the development of all social skills.

In addition to this, children will learn how to use a DSLR camera and the basic concepts of digital photography.

Our classes are conducted by a qualified therapist and experienced photographer. It is an 8-week program.

Photo Time will ensure that children develop new skills they can use in a functional and social manner within the community and their own family environment.

But most of all, photography, especially digital photography, is just plain fun.

We look forward to you joining in the fun and getting focused!

Our Group Programs run during school terms and during school holidays. Each program runs at different times so check the timetable below to see what works best for you.
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